Saturday, July 27, 2024
Listen to the podcast Interview with Jasper Martens, CMO at PensionBee Jasper Martens was part of a team of six people when he joined PensionBee in 2015. PensionBee is now a company of over 100 people with plush offices (albeit empty...
Podcast interview with Peter Ramsey (Built for Mars) UX in banking If you haven't heard of Peter Ramsey (A.K.A the person behind Built for Mars) and his epic study into the user experience (UX) of banking, it really is time you...
Listen to the full interview with Nizam Uddin OBE Tackling exclusion in financial services Of all of the guests I've spoken to as part of our interview podcast series, my most recent guest, Nizam Uddin OBE is arguably the one who...
Listen to the full interview Interview with Ron Benegbi, Founder & CEO at Uplinq "Uplinq is my fifth startup", Ron tells me as I welcome him to the podcast. Ron Benegbi is a serial entrepreneur. Having previously launched three successful (and one...
Listen to the podcast An interview with Chris Wallace, InnerView 'Brand alignment from the inside out'; that's the message that is emblazoned on the homepage of InnerView's website. The firm's co-founder and President, Chris Wallace is my latest guest on the...
Listen to the full interview with Tad Crawford The secret life of money Money, as a concept, is something we take for granted. Some people have lots of it, some people have very little, but fundamentally, as a society, we accept...
Listen to the podcast episode An interview with Bence Jendruszák, COO at SEON SEON is on a mission to democratise fraud prevention. Starting life when two founders of a crypto exchange found they had a massive fraud problem, SEON has grown...
Listen to the podcast episode An interview with Mark Harley, Founder & CEO at Bankifi Mark Hartley has been working in the financial technology industry (not the FinTech industry, more on that later) since 1991. "Those were the days when electronic banking...
Podcast interview with Tim Andrews, Founder at The ID Register Startup to spin-out Ask any founder; launching a startup is hard work. So if launching a normal startup is hard work, what's it like to try and launch a startup within...
Listen to the podcast Interview with Simon Mott, CMO at TrackInsight Simon Mott is a marketer with two-decades worth of experience working in financial services. Living a career that has taken him from working with start-ups, to working in organisations such...