Saturday, July 27, 2024
Podcast interview with Tim Andrews, Founder at The ID Register Startup to spin-out Ask any founder; launching a startup is hard work. So if launching a normal startup is hard work, what's it like to try and launch a startup within...
Google has announced that the incumbent version of Google Analytics, known as Universal Analytics (UA) will be shut down in July 2023. In a statement, the search firm announced that UA will stop processing new hits in July 2023, marking...
Listen to the podcast interview here Interview with Will Cookson The Financial Marketeer recently had the opportunity to catch up with Will Cookson to discuss user experience (UX) and customer experience (CX) in financial services. Will, an experienced designer, is the founder...
Former Centrica CMO, Margaret Jobling has been appointed CMO at NatWest in an apparent turnaround for the bank which had previously scrapped the role. NatWest had previously stated that it would not be hiring a direct replacement for David Wheldon...
Julene Aguirre, Capital One UK's Head of Research and Design Strategy will be speaking at tomorrow evening's (9th June 2020) online edition of UX Oxford. The event will focus on universal design in the financial world and aims to help...
Insurance provider, Direct Line has moved on from its long-running advertising campaign featuring Pulp Fiction character, Winston 'The Fixer' Wolfe. The campaign, developed by the advertising agency, Saatchi and Saatchi was launched in 2014 and helped Direct Line to reposition...
Google has announced a significant update to its search ranking algorithm that will target additional user experience measurements including how long content takes to load and how stable the layout of a page is. Known as 'Core Web Vitals', the...
Saffron Building Society has entered the 'green' finance market with the launch of two new products, the Retro-Fit Mortgage and the Enviro Saver savings account. The Retro-Fit Mortgage, a two-year fixed-rate product aims to incentivise homeowners to invest in home...
A new Google algorithm update is now rolling out aimed at cracking down on content written predominantly for search engines. The so-called helpful content update is likely to be fully implemented within two weeks. A pre-announced Google update is always big...
PayPal has seen an increase in the number of over 50s using its services between March and April this year, the first time this age group has been the firm's fastest growing segment. The increase comes as the COVID-19 pandemic...