Sunday, May 5, 2024
Podcast interview with Tim Andrews, Founder at The ID Register Startup to spin-out Ask any founder; launching a startup is hard work. So if launching a normal startup is hard work, what's it like to try and launch a startup within...
In the Digital Finance Forum's second annual survey of fintech founders, 90% of respondents have cautioned that firms will struggle to raise finance in the coming year. The survey of over 100 founders cited COVID-19 as the cause of the...
Provider of support, software and data to the financial services sector, SimplyBiz Group has announced the launch of a new 'hub', aimed at supporting vulnerable clients. The new hub, which will provide training, guidance and solutions will also host a...
During a Google webmaster Q&A session, John Mueller, a Web Trends Analyst at the search giant has offered up some advice to answer the age-old question; 'why has my website lost rankings?' Answering a general question on the topic, Mueller...
Prepaid Visa card provider, gohenry has launched the Eco Card, a biodegradable debit card. Aimed at its core market of 6-18 year-olds and their parents, the card comes as research carried out by Beano for Brands suggests 40% of 6-to-14-year...
Facebook Ads has announced that it will be removing the 28-day attribution model from its platform. The change will come into effect on 12th October. The change is likely to affect many Facebook advertisers, particularly as the 28-day attribution model...
The ID Register, a service that enables investors to create a secure online 'passport', has spun out from its parent company, Apex Group Ltd in a management buyout. Founded in 2016 and headquartered in Guernsey, The ID Register has plans...
A new report published by the City of London Corporation and Innovate Finance in partnership with EY has recommended urgent action be taken if the UK is to ensure the continued success of the fintech sector. The report, named, UK...
Advertisers running ads in the UK, Austria or Turkey can expect advertising costs to increase from 1st November as Google announces that it will pass on the cost of a new tax. The digital services taxes (DST) will affect all...
Former Centrica CMO, Margaret Jobling has been appointed CMO at NatWest in an apparent turnaround for the bank which had previously scrapped the role. NatWest had previously stated that it would not be hiring a direct replacement for David Wheldon...