Thursday, April 25, 2024
RBS has launched a cloud-based digital banking brand called Bó. The brand, fronted with a bright yellow Visa card has launched with mobile apps available on Google Play and Apple's App Store. Speaking to the media on its launch, RBS said...
PayPal has seen an increase in the number of over 50s using its services between March and April this year, the first time this age group has been the firm's fastest growing segment. The increase comes as the COVID-19 pandemic...
Google Ads advertisers will soon be required to provide identity verification in order to use the service. The move has been billed as an initiative to provide greater transparency behind ads shown to users of Google's products. The process will...
New data from a survey of 5,000 business owners on the impact of COVID-19 have found that 1 in 5 would turn to friends and family for cash flow advice. That's ahead of 17% who would speak to their...
Google Developer Relations representative, Martin Splitt has encouraged website owners to use Google's testing tools before relying on so-called 'infinite scroll' features on websites. As websites look to host more information and keep visitor attention, infinite scroll solutions have grown...
Listen to the podcast interview Interview with Paul Mills, CMO at Shaw & Co For this week's interview I had the pleasure of speaking with Paul Mills, a CMO who started out as an anlytical chemist before embarking on a sector-hopping...
Google's Structured Data Testing Tool has taken another step towards the end of its life as the firm's Rich Results Test moved out of beta, making it the primary method for testing a website's capacity to generate so-called rich...
Google Ads is to remove search term data from reports where there is not a 'significant' amount of data, meaning advertisers won't be able to see all of the search terms that delivered clicks on their ads. Up until this...
In the Digital Finance Forum's second annual survey of fintech founders, 90% of respondents have cautioned that firms will struggle to raise finance in the coming year. The survey of over 100 founders cited COVID-19 as the cause of the...
"Unprecedented" is the word of the year so far. Don't believe me? Just take a look at this Google Trends data: trends.embed.renderExploreWidget("TIMESERIES", {"comparisonItem":,"category":0,"property":""}, {"exploreQuery":"date=all&geo=GB&q=unprecedented","guestPath":""}); What that shows us is that searches for the word "unprecedented" are higher than...