Monday, May 20, 2024
Listen to the podcast interview here Interview with Annabel Brodie-Smith The Financial Marketeer had the pleasure of speaking to Annabel Brodie-Smith recently. Annabel is the Communications Director at the Association of Investment Companies and has seen the industry change and adapt...
It has been a week that began with Prime Minister, Boris Johnson addressing the nation with instruction that would have fit more comfortably in a dystopian drama. It follows weeks of daily breaking news events that could have filled the...
Measures taken by the governments of the world have taken a collective swipe against the global pandemic caused by COVID-19. In the process of trying to stop the virus, governments have also stopped the economy. On the front line of...
Listen to the podcast interview What is developer-first banking? When you visit the Weavr website for the first time, you're greeted by an intriguing message; 'welcome to developer-first banking'. What is 'developer-first banking'? I posed this question to my latest guest on...
It's the most common reporting error I see. Just this week, I was listening to a fantastic interview with the head of a marketing company. The interviewee had successfully engineered a marketing strategy that had delivered a bucket-load of business...
Listen to the podcast interview Interview with Paul Mills, CMO at Shaw & Co For this week's interview I had the pleasure of speaking with Paul Mills, a CMO who started out as an anlytical chemist before embarking on a sector-hopping...
In March this year, Bruce Hepburn, CEO at Mactavish, a leading insurance consultancy issued a scathing analysis of the commercial insurance industry. His analysis centred on the industry's insistence on delivering commercial insurance as a commodity, a habit that...