Saturday, July 27, 2024
Listen to the podcast interview here Interview with Annabel Brodie-Smith The Financial Marketeer had the pleasure of speaking to Annabel Brodie-Smith recently. Annabel is the Communications Director at the Association of Investment Companies and has seen the industry change and adapt...
Listen to the podcast interview Interview with Larry Black Larry Black is a financial marketeer who has a wealth of experience. Credited with developing one of the industry's earliest true examples of content marketing with Credit Suisse, he's gone on to...
Listen to the podcast Interview with Will Rainey, Grandpa's Fortune Fables "This isn't taught in school. I'm not sure why schools don't teach kids about starting their own businesses." That's the view of Gail, the main protagonist in Grandpa's Fortune Fables,...
Just under half of UK adults, aged 18 or over display at least one characteristic of vulnerability. That's according to the findings of the FCA's Financial Lives Survey and it equates to 24.1m consumers. The FCA believes that the COVID-19...
Listen to the podcast interview Interview with Paul Mills, CMO at Shaw & Co For this week's interview I had the pleasure of speaking with Paul Mills, a CMO who started out as an anlytical chemist before embarking on a sector-hopping...
Following the news earlier this month that featured snippet appearances in Google Search had dropped by 60% in the finance sector, a Google representative has offered an explanation. Speaking as part of his firm's regular 'Office Hours' YouTube show, Senior...
In our first analysis of the online visibility race in the wealth & private banking sector, there's one clear winner. Coutts claims first place, delivering online search visibility of 16.2%. Coutts' closest rival is Barclays with 14.2% share of online search. The...
A survey of 650 investment professionals in the UK, US and South Africa carried out by Asset TV has found that in 2020, 79% of professionals have participated in a virtual conference. The findings are unsurprising in light of the...
A new report published by the City of London Corporation and Innovate Finance in partnership with EY has recommended urgent action be taken if the UK is to ensure the continued success of the fintech sector. The report, named, UK...
New data from a survey of 5,000 business owners on the impact of COVID-19 have found that 1 in 5 would turn to friends and family for cash flow advice. That's ahead of 17% who would speak to their...