Saturday, July 27, 2024
The number of searches taking place on desktop devices is increasing as the current pandemic unfolds, says Microsoft Advertising's Corporate Vice President, Rik van der Kooi. Speaking at Microsoft's Elevate online event on Tuesday, van der Kooi said that he's...
Listen to the podcast Interview with Jasper Martens, CMO at PensionBee Jasper Martens was part of a team of six people when he joined PensionBee in 2015. PensionBee is now a company of over 100 people with plush offices (albeit empty...
Alanis Morissette knows how to write a tune. In 1996 she released 'ironic', and whilst it's a solid slice of pop gold, it is lacking in irony. Bad luck? It's got lots of that, like the old man who turned...
Listen to the full interview with Nizam Uddin OBE Tackling exclusion in financial services Of all of the guests I've spoken to as part of our interview podcast series, my most recent guest, Nizam Uddin OBE is arguably the one who...
As a marketer you may have used them to your advantage. As a citizen of the web you've probably been infuriated by them. Third-party cookies, a useful yet invasive and arguably abused feature of the web is now travelling...
"Unprecedented" is the word of the year so far. Don't believe me? Just take a look at this Google Trends data: trends.embed.renderExploreWidget("TIMESERIES", {"comparisonItem":,"category":0,"property":""}, {"exploreQuery":"date=all&geo=GB&q=unprecedented","guestPath":""}); What that shows us is that searches for the word "unprecedented" are higher than...
'Stay home, save lives' goes the government's current advertising campaign, designed to protect the NHS from the strain put on it by COVID-19. The campaign has been delivered through all of the usual channels; television, print, radio and out of...
Listen to the podcast Interview with Simon Mott, CMO at TrackInsight Simon Mott is a marketer with two-decades worth of experience working in financial services. Living a career that has taken him from working with start-ups, to working in organisations such...
Insurance provider, Direct Line has moved on from its long-running advertising campaign featuring Pulp Fiction character, Winston 'The Fixer' Wolfe. The campaign, developed by the advertising agency, Saatchi and Saatchi was launched in 2014 and helped Direct Line to reposition...
Listen to the full interview with Patrick Muir Interview with Patrick Muir From assisting in the launch of the UK's first-ever online bank to revolutionising the way Morgan Stanley markets its credit card products, Patrick Muir is one of the most...