Saturday, July 27, 2024
'Stay home, save lives' goes the government's current advertising campaign, designed to protect the NHS from the strain put on it by COVID-19. The campaign has been delivered through all of the usual channels; television, print, radio and out of...
It's the most common reporting error I see. Just this week, I was listening to a fantastic interview with the head of a marketing company. The interviewee had successfully engineered a marketing strategy that had delivered a bucket-load of business...
Listen to the podcast interview What is developer-first banking? When you visit the Weavr website for the first time, you're greeted by an intriguing message; 'welcome to developer-first banking'. What is 'developer-first banking'? I posed this question to my latest guest on...
Despite the delay to the UK's easing of lockdown, Fintech Week London, a hybrid event scheduled for 12-16th July will take place with its planned programme of physical and virtual sessions. Speaking via the event website following the UK government's...
Listen to the full interview with Patrick Muir Interview with Patrick Muir From assisting in the launch of the UK's first-ever online bank to revolutionising the way Morgan Stanley markets its credit card products, Patrick Muir is one of the most...
As a marketer you may have used them to your advantage. As a citizen of the web you've probably been infuriated by them. Third-party cookies, a useful yet invasive and arguably abused feature of the web is now travelling...
Admiral is issuing £110m worth of refunds to its car and van insurance customers in response to the nation following government advice to stay home. Admiral says it's issuing the refunds in recognition of its customers' decision to follow government...
Manchester-based, Frost, a fintech startup has said that it plans to launch its new account product in the first half of 2021. The firm's app, which has already attracted 8,000 user signups is currently going through a beta testing phase. Speaking...
Google Ads advertisers will soon be required to provide identity verification in order to use the service. The move has been billed as an initiative to provide greater transparency behind ads shown to users of Google's products. The process will...
"Unprecedented" is the word of the year so far. Don't believe me? Just take a look at this Google Trends data: trends.embed.renderExploreWidget("TIMESERIES", {"comparisonItem":,"category":0,"property":""}, {"exploreQuery":"date=all&geo=GB&q=unprecedented","guestPath":""}); What that shows us is that searches for the word "unprecedented" are higher than...